1955 Born in Tainan, Taiwan
1979 Graduated from the Department of Art, National Academy Art
1981 Graduated from the Department of Art, Chinese Cultural University
Invited to participate in the " Chinese, Japanese and Korean Cultural Exchange Exhibition" and the " International Artistic Seal Engraving Exhibition" in Korea
1985- 1988
Invited by the Museum of History to hold several joint exhibitions; her works collected by the Museum of History, National Taiwan Arts Education Institute and Central Library
1988 Participated in "Xiling Seal Society" the 85th Anniversary International Exhibition on Seal-engraving, Painting and Calligraphy in Hangzhou, China
1990 Held " Lin Shu-Nu Color Ink and Seal-engraving Exhibition" at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1991 Held " Lin Shu-Nu Color Ink Exhibition" at the Taiwan Provincial Museum of Fine Arts; Appointed as council member for the R.O.C. Seal-engraving Society, Chinese Fine Brushwork Painting Association, Lecturer of Chinese Painting at the National Taiwan Arts Education Center
1992 Invited to attend the Republic of Korea International Exhibition on Seal- engraving in Seoul
1993 Participated in " Xiling Seal Society's" 90th Anniversary International Exhibition on Seal-engraving, Painting and Calligraphy in Hangzhou, China, " Contemporary Cultural Artifacts, Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" in Dominician Republic, and the "Contemporary Oil Painting and Chinese Painting Exhibition" at the Chungcheng Gallery, Taipei
1994 Participated in the “Exhibition of Fine Brushwork Paintings across Taiwan Strait” at Chungcheng Gallery, Taipei;
Served as the executive director for the Chinese Fine Brushwork Painting Association; held “Lin Shu-nu Color Ink Solo Exhibition” at the Chiayi City Cultural Center and the Tainan County Cultural Center;
Published “The World of Engraving and Words”
1995 Held “Lin Shu-nu Color Ink and Poetry Solo Exhibition” in the Taipei Museum of Fine Arts, published Lin Shu-nu 1995 Color Ink and Poetry Work Collection;
Participated in the 14th Annual National Exhibition of Arts in Taipei, Taiwan;
Lectured on Chinese Painting at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum;
Participated in “Chinese and Korean Artist Exchange Exhibition” at the Keng-jen Museum of Fine Arts in Korea and “Asian Female Artists' Exhibition” at the Hong Kong City Hall
1996 Held solo exhibition at Tainan Municipal Cultural Center;
“Paintings of Fine Brushwork across the Taiwan Strait” at the Chungcheng Gallery, Taipei;
Served on the judicial committee for the Chinese Fine Brushwork Association;
Held “Lin Shu-nu Color Ink Exhibition” at the Taiwan Provincial Museum of Fine Arts;
Received grants from the National Culture and Arts Foundation
1997 Her work “Pursuing Dreams” was collected by the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts;
held color ink solo exhibition at the Taipei World Trade Center
1998 Attended “Chinese and Korean Artist Exchange Exhibition” at the Museum of Fine Arts, Yunhsien Palace, Korea;
Attended “Joint Exhibition of Chen Hung-mien and Lin Shu-nu” at the Meiling Museum of Fine Arts, Chiayi County Cultural Center;
Published Chen Hung-mien and Lin Shu-nu Collection; Invited to hold “Lin Shu-nu Color Ink Exhibition” at the National Artistic Education Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
1999 Invited to attend the 15th Annual “National Art Exhibition” in Taipei;
Received “Zhongshan Art Creativity Award” in the category of Chinese painting
2000 Her work “Interweaving of Figures, Flowers and Birds in Time and Space” received grants from the National Cultural and Arts Foundation;
Participated in “Taiwan Nostalgia Ink Painting Exhibition” held by the National Museum of History at the “Estonian National Museum”;
Invited to participate in the “New Appearance of Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting” at the Chungcheng Gallery, Taipei
2001 Attended the “Taiwan Stamp Club Joint Exhibition” at the Tsuiheng Gallery, National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, “Joint Exhibition of Chen Hung-mien and Lin Shu-nu” at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Macao, China, “Tropical Rain Forest-- International Contemporary Painting Exhibition” at Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum, New York Culture Center and the Las Vegas Fine Arts Museum, USA;
Participated in “Sweet and Sour Yeast--A Sweet Dialog of Dark Plum Winery and Chiao-tou Sugar Factory” at the Taipei Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center and Chiao-tou Sugar Factory
2002 Participated in the “Glamorous Color Ink-- National Color Ink Art Exhibition” at Tatun Gallery, the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City and “Miniature Universe--Taiwan Pocket-size Color Ink Painting Exhibition” at the Kashih Museum of Fine Collections, Taipei;
Attended the 16th annual “National Exhibition of Fine Arts”;
Joined her students on tours around Chiuchaikou, Qingcheng, Leshan and Emei Mountains, and made small-sized color splash landscape works
2003 Attended the “International Color Ink Fabric Banner Art Exhibition” at Tatun Gallery, the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau, and held exhibitions on tour in three continents including France, Poland, the United States, Singapore, and Malaysia;
Participated in Taipei County Artists' Exhibition and “Hsi-leng Stamp Club” centennial celebration for the International Seal-engraving Exhibition in Hangzhou, China
2004Participated in the “Taiwan Ink Color Century Trend” exhibition at the Art Gallery, Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Taichung; -
Served as a council member of the Taiwan Ink Painting Association, Chinese Artist Association and Chinese Fine Brushwork Painting Association;
Held “A Dialog between Mind and State-- Lin Shu-nu Color Ink Exhibition” at the Sun Yatsen Gallery, National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei
2005 Held “Lin Shu-nu's Color Ink Paintings” at the Celebrity Art Gallery, Yingge, Taoyuan, solo exhibition at the Chih-mei Gallery Exhibition, Kaohsiung City Cultural Center, solo exhibition at Ta-tun Gallery One, Taichung City Cultural Center; “Lin Shu-nu Collection 2005 Color Ink” published by Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City;
Attended “Taiwan Contemporary Masters' Art Exhibition” in May at the National Museum of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the “15th Anniversary Chinese and Korean Artistic Exchange Exhibition” at the National Artistic Education Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, and the “2005 International Color Ink Clothes Art Exhibition” at Ta-tun Gallery, the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau
2006 Attended the Graduate Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University; Served as the judge committee for the 11th annual Ta-tun Fine Arts Exhibition;
Served on the judge committee for the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau's Color Ink New Talent Award;
Held the “Joint Exhibition of Chen Hung-mien and Lin Shu-nu” at the TY Cart Gallery, Hong Kong;
Held the “Chen Hung-mien and Lin Shu-nu Seal-engraving Exhibition” at the History and Philology Gallery, Academia Sinica
2007 Participated in the “International Color Ink Tattoo Art Exhibition” at the Tatun Gallery, Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau, the “2007 Taiwan Ink Painting Boutique Exhibition” at the National New Gallery, Tokyo, Japan;
Invited for the featured exhibition “Beautiful Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall” in May with works collected by Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall;
Participated in the joint exhibition “Fun with Book Printing” at the Angel Gallery in May;
Served on the judge committee for the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau's Color Ink New Talent Award,
Served as the Director of the R.O.C. Fine Brushwork Painting Association
Served on the judge committee for exhibition evaluation of the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau;
2008 Participated in the “2008 Taiwan Stamp Club Joint Exhibition” at Tsui-hsi Gallery, the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall;
Participated in the “2008 Exhibition of Taiwan Ink Painting Trends” at the National Artistic Education Museum, Taipei, Taiwan,
The “International Color Ink Ecological Art Exhibition” at Tatun Gallery, the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau
Curating "The Third Taiwan Fine Brushwork Painting Award" at Sun Yat-sen Gallery, the National Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Taipei
The “Landscape of Water and Clouds-- Lin Shu-nu's Ink Painting Exhibition” at Sun Yat-sen Gallery, the National Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Taipei
2009 Participated in the “2009 Heavy Color Painting Exchange Exhibition across the Taiwan Strait” at the National Museum of History
2010 Curating "The Forth Taiwan Fine Brushwork Painting Award" at Cueisi Gallery, the National Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Taipei
2011 Served on the judge committee for the Miaoli Art Exhibition Award,
Served on the judge committee for the Exhibition Publications at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei
Participated in the "Celebrating The Centennial–The Cross-strait Hundred Contemporary Female painter Exhibition" at the National Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Taipei
Participated in " Epitome of Kinmen Exhibition" at Culture Center of Kinmen County Auditorium
Curating "The Forth Cross-Strait Fine Brushwork Painting Exhibition" at Tsai-yu gallery at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei
Participated in "International Tsai-Mo Fan Art Exhibition" at Tatun Gallery, the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau
Participated in " The Cross-Strait Chinese Character Arts Festival– Seal Carving Exhibition" at the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei
Participated in "100th Anniversary of Revolution of 1911– The Cross-Strait Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Exhibition" at Taiwan HuiGuan in Beijing, China
Participated in "Taiwan-Japan Seal Carving Art Exchange Exhibition" at Tswei-heng Gallery & Tzai-chih Room at the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei
2012 "The World of Flowers Exhibition" at Global Arts Center, Taichung. Taiwan
"Conversation with Seal Art– Hung-Mien Chen and Shu-Nu Lin Seal Carving Exhibition" at NTU Museum of Medical Humanities
"The Cross-Strait Female Painter Art Exchange Exhibition" at The West Lake Museum in Hangzhou, China
"Contemporary Color Inkworks Exhibition" at Chi-chen Hall in Kaohsiung Cultural Center, Taiwan
"New Taipei City Artists Exhibition"
"2012 Kaohsiung Arts Exhibition" at Chi-Mei Hall in KaoHsiung Cultural Center
2013 "The 30 Anniversary of Taiwan Seal Society– Seal Carving and Calligraphy Arts Exhibition" at Cueisi Gallery, the National Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Taipei in March
"Taiwan the Formosa– 1911-2011 Contemporary Taiwanese Artists Exhibition" at National Art Meseum of China, Beijing and China Art Museum, Pudong, Shanghai, China in April
Modern Art Association of Kaohsiung "Our Canvas: Penghu Exhibition" at Art Center of National Penghu University of Science and Technology in May
Modern Art Association of Kaohsiung "In Love with Kaohsiung" at Chi-Mei Hall in KaoHsiung Cultural Center
"The Sixth Chengdu Biennale" at ChengDu MOCA, Sichuan, China in July
"2013 The Cross-Strait Chinese Character Arts Festival" at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei, Taiwan
"2013 International Tsai-Mo Hat Art Exhibition" at Tatun Gallery in the Taichung Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taiwan
1979 國立臺灣藝術專科學校美術科畢業
1981 中國文化大學美術系畢業
2006 國立臺灣師範大學美研所
1988 〈西泠印社〉八十五年慶國際篆刻書畫大展於中國杭州
1989 參展〈第七屆全國美展〉於北京‧中國美術館
1990 〈林淑女彩墨篆刻個展〉於臺北市立美術館
1991 〈林淑女彩墨作品展〉於臺灣省立美術館
1992 篆刻受邀參加大韓民國國際篆刻展於漢城
1993 〈西泠印社〉九十年慶國際篆刻繪畫大展於中國杭州
1994 〈海峽兩岸工筆畫大展〉於臺北中正藝廊,並任中華工筆畫學會常務理事
1995 〈林淑女彩墨‧詩個展〉於臺北市立美術館,出版《林淑女1995彩墨‧詩作品選》
1996 個展於臺南市立文化中心
1997 高雄市立美術館典藏作品“逐夢”
1998 〈中韓畫家交流展〉於韓國雲峴宮美術會館
〈陳宏勉、林淑女作品聯展〉邀請展於嘉義縣立文化中心梅嶺美術館,並出版《陳宏勉林淑女作品選 》
1999 第十五屆〈全國美展〉作品邀請參展於臺北中山文藝創作獎國畫類得主
2000 〈人物與花鳥在時空的交織〉水墨創作獲國家文藝基金會創作補助獎 國立歷史博物館主辦〈臺灣鄉情水墨畫展〉展於愛沙尼亞國家博物館參展
2001 〈臺灣印社聯展〉於臺北國父紀念館翠亨藝廊
2002 〈彩墨風華─全國彩墨藝術大展〉於臺中市文化局大墩藝廊
2003 〈國際彩墨布旗藝術展〉參展於臺中文化局大墩藝廊,並巡迴法國、波蘭、美國、新加坡、馬來西亞 三大洲展出。
2004 〈臺灣彩墨世紀走向大展〉參展於臺中文化局大墩藝廊
2005 〈林淑女彩墨作品展〉於鶯歌名人雅集
〈心與境的對話─林淑女彩墨作品展〉於臺南縣文化中心、高雄市文化中心至美軒、臺中市文化中心邀請展大 墩藝廊,出版《林淑女作品選─2005‧彩墨》一冊
2006 大墩美展評審委員
2007 〈國際彩墨圖騰藝術大展〉參展於臺中文化局大墩藝廊
2008 臺中文化局展覽審查委員
2009 〈兩岸重彩畫交流展〉於臺北國立歷史博物館
2010 策展〈第四屆臺灣工筆畫金筆獎〉展於國立國父紀念館翠溪藝廊
2011 任苗栗美展評審委員、中正紀念堂展覽出版品審議委員
2012 〈花的世界特展〉展於臺中全球藝術中心會館
〈刻與話的世界 陳宏勉 林淑女篆刻作品展〉於臺大醫學人文博物館
〈文化同根和諧中華--兩岸女畫家藝術交流展〉展於杭州西湖博物館 . 杭州
2013 3月台灣印社成立30週年篆刻書法聯展於國立國父紀念館翠溪藝廊
4月〈新北市美術家聯展〉邀請參展美麗台灣—台灣近現代名家經典作品展(1911-2011)中國美術館.北 京,上海中華藝術宮.上海
7月 第六屆成都雙年展於成都現代藝術館 . 中國四川
2013兩岸漢字藝術節展於台北松山文創園區 . 台灣
2013國際彩墨帽子藝術大展於台中文化局大墩藝廊 . 台灣